Spread the love0% 17 Give your 100% and be accurate.Quiz Ended. See the answers.Created on December 18, 2020 By ddsirMultiplication with Addition[BODMAS]Welcome to DD AcademyThis is beginning of BODMAS test. Multiplication along with Addition. 15 Questions in 4 minutes[16 sec per calculation]Cutoff-12Concentrate and stay focused. 1 / 15111*11+111 1332 1222 13332 2 / 1514*7+102 1526 200 190 3 / 1572+72*5+68 500 400 490 4 / 1524*91+816 2900 3000 21768 5 / 1524+15*19+41 295 299 350 6 / 1510*100+100 2000 1100 200 7 / 1515*120+700 880 2500 2700 8 / 1545*35+225 1600 11700 1800 9 / 1534*16+6 408 418 550 10 / 1584*8+9 672 663 681 11 / 1517*110+130 4080 2000 1870 12 / 1525*800+500 2500 25000 20500 13 / 1513+61*12 725 745 735 14 / 1518*14+118 260 370 270 15 / 15102*103+494 10506 10910 11000 Your score isThe average score is 29% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz