The Ultimate Guide for Parts of Speech including how to identify parts of speech in English grammar through definitions, examples and plenty of exercises and practice sets.

Enhance your language skills and improve your writing with our comprehensive guide to understanding parts of speech. Learn how to identify nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and more in this in-depth exploration of language analysis
The basic rules to identify parts of speech in a sentence are:
Noun: a person, place, thing, or idea
Example: The cat is sleeping on the chair.
Pronoun: a word that takes the place of a noun
Example: She is reading a book.
Adjective: a word that describes a noun or pronoun
Example: The red car is fast.
Verb: a word that shows action or state of being
Example: He runs every morning.
Adverb: a word that describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb Example: She sings beautifully.
Preposition: a word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence
Example: The cat is on the chair.
Conjunction: a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses
Example: I like tea and coffee.
Interjection: a word used to express strong feeling or emotion
Example: Wow, that’s amazing!
Article: a word used to indicate a noun is being referred to specifically or generally.
Example: The cat is sleeping.
Determiner: a word that introduces a noun and indicates the kind of reference being made
Example: All the students are present.
Examples of identifying parts of speech in sentences:
- The cat is sleeping on the chair.
Noun (cat), verb (is sleeping), preposition (on), article (the), noun (chair).
- She is reading a book.
Pronoun (she), verb (is reading), article (a), noun (book).
The red car is fast.
Article (the), adjective (red), noun (car), verb (is fast).
He runs every morning.
Pronoun (he), verb (runs), adverb (every morning).
She sings beautifully.
Pronoun (she), verb (sings), adverb (beautifully).
The cat is on the chair.
Article (the), noun (cat), verb (is), preposition (on), article (the), noun (chair).
I like tea and coffee.
Pronoun (I), verb (like), noun (tea), conjunction (and), noun (coffee).
Wow, that’s amazing!
Interjection (Wow), pronoun (that), verb (is), adjective (amazing).
The cat is sleeping.
Article (the), noun (cat), verb (is sleeping).
All the students are present.
Determiner (all), article (the), noun (students), verb (are), adjective (present).
Practice Set of identifying Parts of speech in 10 more sentences
- My friend is a talented musician.
- He arrived late to the party.
- The old book had an interesting story.
- She spoke softly to her mother.
- The red balloon floated away.
- The students were excited to learn.
- He plays soccer every weekend.
- The sky was clear and blue.
- She loves to read and write.
- The cat chased the mouse around the house.
Pronoun (my), noun (friend), verb (is), article (a), adjective (talented), noun (musician).
Pronoun (he), verb (arrived), adverb (late), preposition (to), article (the), noun (party).
Article (the), adjective (old), noun (book), verb (had), article (an), adjective (interesting), noun (story).
Pronoun (she), verb (spoke), adverb (softly), preposition (to), pronoun (her), noun (mother).
Article (the), adjective (red), noun (balloon), verb (floated), adverb (away).
Article (the), noun (students), verb (were), adjective (excited), preposition (to), verb (learn).
Pronoun (he), verb (plays), noun (soccer), adverb (every weekend).
Article (the), noun (sky), verb (was), adjective (clear), conjunction (and), adjective (blue).
Pronoun (she), verb (loves), preposition (to), verb (read), conjunction (and), verb (write).
Article (the), noun (cat), verb (chased), article (the), noun (mouse), preposition (around), article (the), noun (house).
Identifying 10 more sentences
11. The sun rose over the mountains.
12. They walked slowly through the park.
13. She is a successful businesswoman.
14. He gave his sister a beautiful present.
15. The flowers in the garden were blooming.
16. She always arrives early to the meeting.
17. The puppy chewed on the shoe.
18. The car drove quickly down the highway.
19. They danced to the music all night.
20. The storm knocked down the power lines.
Article (the), noun (sun), verb (rose), preposition (over), article (the), noun (mountains).
Pronoun (they), verb (walked), adverb (slowly), preposition (through), article (the), noun (park).
Pronoun (she), verb (is), article (a), adjective (successful), noun (businesswoman).
Pronoun (he), verb (gave), pronoun (his), noun (sister), article (a), adjective (beautiful), noun (present).
Article (the), noun (flowers), preposition (in), article (the), noun (garden), verb (were blooming).
Pronoun (she), adverb (always), verb (arrives), adverb (early), preposition (to), article (the), noun (meeting).
Article (the), noun (puppy), verb (chewed), preposition (on), article (the), noun (shoe).
Article (the), noun (car), verb (drove), adverb (quickly), preposition (down), article (the), noun (highway).
Pronoun (they), verb (danced), preposition (to), article (the), noun (music), adverb (all night).
Article (the), noun (storm), verb (knocked down), article (the), noun (power lines).