- Scientific Research Institute of Uttar Pradesh
No. | Institute | location |
1 | Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany | Lucknow |
2 | Central Drug Research Institute | Lucknow |
3 | National Botanical Gardens | Lucknow |
4 | Industrial Toxicological Research Center | Lucknow |
5 | Central IndianMedical Plants Organization | Lucknow |
6 | Indian Technological Research Center | Lucknow |
7 | Indian Sugarcane Research Institute | Lucknow |
8 | Central Mango Research Station | Rahman Kheda (Lucknow) |
9 | National Sugar Research Institute | Kanpur |
10 | Indian Institute of Technology | Kanpur |
11 | Central Textile Institute | Kanpur |
12 | Indian Institute of Sugar Technology | Kanpur |
13 | Indian Institute of Information Technology | Allahabad |
14 | Mehta Institute of Maths and Physics | Allahabad |
15 | Veterinary Research Institute | Izzatnagar, Bareilly |
16 | School of Paper Technology | Saharanpur |
17 | Indian Grassland and Feder Research Institute | Jhansi |
18 | National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources | Allahabad |
19 | Botanical Garden of the Indian Republic | Noida |
20 | National Research for Meat | Bareilly |
21 | Central Avian Research Institute | Bareilly |
22 | Indian Institute of Handloom Technology | Varanasi |
23 | First Police Museum | Ghaziabad |
24 | Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped | Kanpur |
25 | Uttar Pradesh’s first Energy Education Park | Allahabad |
26 | Shiladhar Institute of Soil Science | Allahabad |
1. | State Information Technology Department | Established 1974 |
2. | Pratham Software Park | Lucknow |
3. | electronic city | Agra |
4. | e-district project | Gautam Buddha Nagar, Ghaziabad, Gorakhpur, Rae Bareli, Sultanpur and Sitapur |
5. | cyber city | Kanpur |
6. | web city | Greater Noida |
7. | two state mental hospitals | 1-Varanasi, 2- Bareilly |
8. | Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences | Lucknow (Established in 1983) |
9. | first telemedicine school | In 2006, Lucknow |
10. | infectious disease clinic | Mathura, Faizabad, Mirzapur |
11. | Ayurvedic Unani Medicine Manufacturing Workshop | 1- Pilibhit (It is famous for Khadoon), 2- Lucknow |
12. | Uttar Pradesh Water Pollution Prevention and Control Board | Establishment-1975 |
13. | Largest constellation of Uttar Pradesh | Gorakhpur constellation |
14. | Indian Pulses Research Institute | Kanpur |
15. | First Biotechnology Park | Lucknow |
16. | Indian Sugarcane Research Institute | Lucknow |
17. | Central Drug Institute | Lucknow |
18. | Central Leprosy Institute | Bareilly |
19. | National Research Far-Mit | Allahabad |
20. | Indian Institute of Sugar Technology | Kanpur |
21. | Food Research & Analysis Center | Lucknow |
22. | food park | Noida |
23. | Indian Institute of Information Technology | Allahabad |
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बहुत ही आसान और सरल पद्धति है और हमने उसे नीचे वीडियो में करके दिखाया है और हम आशा करते हैं कि आपको भी किसी तरह का असुविधा नहीं होगा। वीडियो 5 मिनट से लंबा है मगर सही रूप से अगर आपको सीखना है और जनरल अवेयरनेस में महारत हासिल करना है तो फिर वीडियो को अत्यंत ध्यान पूर्वक देखना अति आवश्यक है।