Vocab 101 to 150 July 5, 2023 ddsirSpread the love 2 Vocab 101 to 150 1 / 16Antonyms ofCantankerousझगड़ालू Good natured, Irritable amicable Quarrelsome, cheerful, 2 / 16Synonyms ofCannyचालाक Astute, Clever, Artful Foolish, idiotic 3 / 16Synonyms ofCaricatureव्यंग्य -चित्र Cartoon, flattery Imitation, mimic, Praise, Grotesque 4 / 16Synonyms ofCancelरद्द करना Abolish, annul, Delete, revoke repeal, continue, sanction Approve, 5 / 16Synonyms ofCaliberहिसाब merit Quality, inadequacy Capacity, inability, 6 / 16Antonyms ofCapitulateहथियार डालना Surrender, Resist, give up defend 7 / 16Antonyms ofCarouseडट कर शराब पिना quaff, Fast, starvation binge Frolic rave, Party, 8 / 16Synonyms ofCalmशांत soothe upset, Agitate, Tranquil, Peaceful, placid, 9 / 16Antonyms ofCalmशांत placid, soothe Peaceful, Tranquil, Agitate, upset, 10 / 16Synonyms ofCapitulateहथियार डालना defend give up Resist, Surrender, 11 / 16Synonyms ofCarouseडट कर शराब पिना Frolic Fast, binge rave, Party, quaff, starvation 12 / 16Antonyms ofCaliberहिसाब Capacity, inadequacy Quality, merit inability, 13 / 16Antonyms ofCannyचालाक Artful Foolish, Astute, Clever, idiotic 14 / 16Antoonyms ofCaricatureव्यंग्य -चित्र Praise, flattery mimic, Cartoon, Grotesque Imitation, 15 / 16Antonyms ofCancelरद्द करना revoke annul, sanction continue, Delete, repeal, Approve, Abolish, 16 / 16Synonyms ofCantankerousझगड़ालू Good natured, amicable cheerful, Irritable Quarrelsome, Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Send feedback Vocab 151 to 200Vocab 51 to 100