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Decimal Multiplication test

Decimal Multiplication Test

Allowed 60 seconds for each Decimal Multiplication

1 / 10

33 X 3.003 =?

2 / 10

1.8 X 0.015 =?

3 / 10

9.0009 X0.090 =?

4 / 10

132 X 2.04 = ?

5 / 10

0.99 X 1.029 = ?

6 / 10

1.5 X 0.14 = ?

7 / 10

1.2 X 1.8 =?

8 / 10

0.09 X 0.011 =?

9 / 10

7.5 X 2.5 =?

10 / 10

0.25 X 0.0025 = ?

Your score is

The average score is 48%
