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किसी भी विषय को प्रश्न और उत्तर के रूप में लंबे समय तक याद रखने के लिए विश्व में सबसे ज्यादा प्रचलित और मान्यता प्राप्त विधि है| इस विधि से किसी भी विषय को लंबे समय तक याद रखा जा सकता है|

Flashcard कैसे काम करता है?

Flashcard में Active Recall प्रोसेस का इस्तेमाल होता है और इसमें Spaced Repetition विधि का प्रयोग सामान्यतः किया जाता है जिसके कारण फ्लैश कार्ड के द्वारा सिखा गया कोई भी विषय वस्तु हमारे याददाश्त में लंबे समय तक बना रहता है|

Digital Flashcard में लॉगइन कैसे किया जाता है?

बहुत ही आसान प्रक्रिया है और 2 मिनट के अंदर हो जाता है। नीचे वीडियो में दिखाया गया है कि कैसे करना है। केवल एक चीज को ध्यान में रखना होगा कि आपके मोबाइल का ब्राउज़र क्रोम ब्राउजर होना चाहिए क्योंकि डिजिटल फ्लैश कार्ड क्रोम ब्राउजर से ही चल पाता है।

title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

Digital Flashcard से सीखा कैसे जाता है?

बहुत ही आसान और सरल पद्धति है और हमने उसे नीचे वीडियो में करके दिखाया है और हम आशा करते हैं कि आपको भी किसी तरह का असुविधा नहीं होगा। वीडियो 5 मिनट से लंबा है मगर सही रूप से अगर आपको सीखना है और जनरल अवेयरनेस में महारत हासिल करना है तो फिर वीडियो को अत्यंत ध्यान पूर्वक देखना अति आवश्यक है।

title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>
  1. In which city of Uttar Pradesh the national government was established during the ‘Quit India Movement’ in the year 1942? –Ballia
  2. Which is the highest rainfall region in Uttar Pradesh? –Terai region
  3. Which river flowing in Uttar Pradesh is known as Pranadayini, Muktidayini and Holy river? –Ganga
  4. Ayodhya city situated in Uttar Pradesh is situated on the banks of which river? –Saryu
  5. Kabar and Maad are the local names of which type of soil in Uttar Pradesh? –black soil
  6. What is the name of the largest bird sanctuary of Uttar Pradesh? –Lakh Bahashi Bird Sanctuary
  7. Which wildlife sanctuary was first established in Uttar Pradesh? –Chandraprabha Wildlife Sanctuary
  8. Which project includes Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Nepal? –-Gandak Project
  9. What percentage of the total cultivable land of the country is located in Uttar Pradesh? –20%
  10. Which place in Uttar Pradesh’s ‘Dussehri Mango’ is world famous? –Malihabad (Lucknow)
  11. In which season is mustard cultivated in Uttar Pradesh? –Rabi
  12. Chunar is famous for which industry? –cement industry
  13. In which city of Uttar Pradesh Rail Coach Factory is being established? –Rae Bareli
  14. When were district planning committees formed in Uttar Pradesh? – in1999 AD
  15. Into how many economic zones has Uttar Pradesh been divided? –4
  16. When was the Planning Commission constituted in Uttar Pradesh? – In1971 AD
  17. Uttar Pradesh has a bicameral legislature, which is the first assembly and the second? —Legislative Council
  18. Who was the first woman Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh? —Sucheta Kripalani
  19. Where was the first Disabled University established in Uttar Pradesh? – inChitrakoot
  20. In which year Bhatkhande Sangeet Sansthan, Lucknow became a Deemed University? — in2001
  21. In which district of Uttar Pradesh is the Chaudhary Charan Singh Stadium located? – inMuzaffarnagar
  22. Which is the most important cash crop of Uttar Pradesh? –sugarcane
  23. In which district of Uttar Pradesh is Dayalbagh the main center of Radhasoami faith located? —Agra
  24. Mathura was the capital of which Mahajanapada? ofShursen Mahajanapada
  25. Where was Chandrashekhar Azad martyred in the encounter? – inAllahabad
  26. By what name is the meeting place of the Ganges Yamuna rivers called in Uttar Pradesh? —confluence
  27. In which districts of Uttar Pradesh red soil is mainly found? –Mirzapur-Sonbhadra
  28. Which district of Uttar Pradesh is most forested? –Sonbhadra
  29. In which district Uranium is found in Uttar Pradesh? – inLalitpur
  30. When was the Electricity Regulatory Commission constituted in Uttar Pradesh? — in theyear 1998
  31. Uttar Pradesh is the leading producer of which crop in India? –barley
  32. Which is the main center of matchmaking industry in Uttar Pradesh? —Bareilly
  33. When was the decentralized planning system started in Uttar Pradesh? – In1982-83 AD
  34. In which district is the famous ‘Dudhwa National Park’ of Uttar Pradesh located? – InLakhimpur (Kheri)
  35. Which city of Uttar Pradesh is famous by the name ‘City of Gardens’? —Lucknow
  36. In which state the tradition of folk songs like ‘Birha’, ‘Rasia’, ‘Alha’ etc. is found? –Uttar Pradesh
  37. Which is the largest constellation of Uttar Pradesh? –Gorakhpur constellation
  38. Which player from Uttar Pradesh got the gold medal for wrestling in the 19th Commonwealth Games? –Alka Tomar
  39. Where is the oldest museum of Uttar Pradesh located? —Lucknow
  40. Which city was the summer capital of Uttar Pradesh during the British rule? —Nainital
  41. On which day the present form of Uttar Pradesh came into existence? —9 November 2001
  42. The head of state of Uttar Pradesh is called the governor, who appoints it? —President
  43. Which is the main folk song of Uttar Pradesh? —Birha
  44. Which is the biggest industry of Uttar Pradesh? –handloom industry
  45. What is the rank of Uttar Pradesh in the whole country in terms of power generation? —eighth
  46. Evidence of paddy cultivation has been found from which Neolithic site of Uttar Pradesh? –Koldihwa
  47. Where was the Indian National Congress session held in Uttar Pradesh in the year 1925? — inKanpur
  48. On the basis of distribution of rainfall, Uttar Pradesh has been divided into how many climatic divisions? —two
  49. Which district of the state is most affected by sewerage erosion? —Etawah
  50. How many national parks are there in Uttar Pradesh at present? –1
  51. Which bird sanctuary was first established in Uttar Pradesh? –Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary
  52. Where was Harduaganj Thermal Power Station established? – inAligarh
  53. When was ‘Kisan Mitra Yojana’ launched in Uttar Pradesh? —from June 18, 2001
  54. Which two varieties of mango are mainly produced in Uttar Pradesh? –Dussehri and Chausa
  55. Which pair of cities is famous for Guava production? —Bareilly-Allahabad
  56. Where are silk sarees made in Uttar Pradesh? –Meerut
  57. When was the state level game organized for the first time in Uttar Pradesh? — In theyear 2005-06
  58. Which city of Uttar Pradesh is famous for ‘Glass Industry’? –Firozabad
  59. Which is the longest national highway number starting from Uttar Pradesh? —NH-7
  60. ‘Lucknow Yojana’ is related to the development of – of thestreets
  61. Which district of Uttar Pradesh receives the highest rainfall and which has the least? –Most-Gorakhpur, at Mathura
  62. Yamuna Expressway is between which two cities? —Agra-Noida
  63. What is the foundation day of Uttar Pradesh? –1 November
  64. Who has got the right to exercise all the powers and get the work done by the constitution? —cabinet
  65. Which style of dance is the gift of Uttar Pradesh? –Kathak style
  66. When was Urdu declared as the second official language in Uttar Pradesh? — in theyear 1989
  67. How many central universities are there in Uttar Pradesh? –4
  68. When was the Uttar Pradesh State Sports Council formed? – In theyear 1955-56
  69. Which is the famous pilgrimage of both Jain and Buddhist religions in Uttar Pradesh? –Kaushambi
  70. Where is Atomic Power Station established in Uttar Pradesh? –Narora

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